InGREENdients |
Since my last post I have stayed pretty green. Lots of green juices and salads......I feel great. My rosacea has definitely calmed down since the last pics I posted. I am trying to eat/juice as many fruits and veggies as possible, especially those touted for their skin healing and enhancing properties. According to Dr. Sandra Cabot, author of
Raw Juices Can Save Your Life (easily one of my favorite books on the subject of raw juicing....,) cucumber, mango, radish, strawberries and watercress are especially helpful for skin health so I am trying to incorporate them all in my regular juicing rotation. Cucumber is great because it is so cooling & refreshing during these hot summer days. It also has a very high water content so it is ideal to use as a juicing base. Mango and strawberries are very rich, very sweet fruits so they are best to use to balance the powerful flavors of "strong" greens like broccoli, kale and watercress. Radishes add a spicy dimension to juices, so I try not to use to much....a little goes a long way and too much imparts a bitter after-taste. I do love throwing in a habanero pepper....it adds a metabolism-boosting kick and makes the juice so much more interesting.
Brian is doing well incorporating more raw plant-based food into his diet and has lost a noticeable amount of weight through a combination of yoga 5-6 days a week and diet moderation. My diet weakness is easily cheese and starches and his is sugary desserts.....he's not a pastry chef by coincidence!
Brian's dinner: chicken, cheese, sweet peppers & corn
One of the things that is making staying strong easy with my raw-living pursuit is reusing old jars. If I have juice on hand throughout the day I am less tempted to stray from my intentions. Since juice oxidizes rather quickly the best way to store fresh juice is in an airtight glass jar to prevent leaching. I have been using empty pickle, pepper and pasta sauce jars to store the extra amount I make in the morning to drink later in the evening, or the extra amount I make in the evening to drink the following morning. The short shelf-life of raw juices makes drinking the juice immediately after pressing ideal but sometimes inconvenient. Jars are definitely a life-saver.....repurpose, reuse, recycle!
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