Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Grass IS Greener

In an effort to save money we recently unhired our lawn service and decided to take lawn care into our own hands.  Since our backyard is landscaped with a swimming pool and we have a circular driveway in front of the house, we really don't have much lawn for which to care.  We also didn't have a lawnmower.  I began looking on Craigslist for a used mower, but used mowers are dirty and oily and quite frankly, I didn't want to drive across the city to pick up something that was going to trash the back of my car getting it home.

I have also read that gas mowers emit the same amount of air pollution in a one hour mowing session that a car emits traveling 200 miles.  After a little more reading and comparison shopping we decided to opt for a reel mower.  I came across an ad for a "like new" Gardena Hi-Cut Reel Mower.  I was somewhat skeptical because Amazon had a reviewer complaining about it's functionality with St. Augustine grass (what we have), but the Craigslist ad showed the mower to be in perfect condition and the seller only wanted $45 for it so we decided to gamble on it; I'm so glad we did!  Not only is Brian enjoying cutting the yard himself, he also likes the added benefit of exercise he gets from using it.  I particularly like the fact that it is quiet and has a 0 carbon footprint.

For some interesting statistics on gardening pollution check out:  http://www.peoplepoweredmachines.com/faq-environment.htm

For some interesting statistics on gardening pollution check out:  http://www.peoplepoweredmachines.com/faq-environment.htm

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Backyard Yoga

It's no secret that Brian and I are proud of our backyard.  We worked hard all summer getting it in shape.  We added two beautiful banana trees that are have provided us hours of entertainment....those things jungle weeds--they grow and expand at an amazingly quick rate.  It sounds odd to say that watching a tree grow is fun, but it is!!

This year

Last year
Brian also undertook sanding and painting the backyard deck.  I think he did a great job!





We chose to stain it with a Behr product we purchased at Home Depot.  I must admit I was a bit worried because I did my research AFTER he started staining and I came across several really negative reviews online about this particular product.  We live in Texas, and that deck gets blistering sun most of the day, but so far it is holding up great, so I have to wonder if some of those reviewers prepped their deck properly in the first place.  (Next year I really want to paint all of the trim on the house....I'm think of a light Terra Cotta color.  I'll have to start doing a color test soon!)

Needless to say, we are definitely enjoying the "fruits of our labor" and we spend quite an amount of time hanging in the backyard, watering, grilling, swimming and reading.  Today I had the house to myself and most of my chores done early in the day.  Although Brian and I went to a couple of yoga classes this morning, I decided to practice privately outside.  I have never done that before, but it was beyond AWESOME!

I actually started out just meditating in the sun, then sitting quietly watching two cardinals perform a mating ritual.  As I lay on my stomach on the cushioned chaise lounge, it just felt so natural to begin a series of postures.   Moving into cobra pose I found more space and length in my spine that I ever have in class.  I think practicing yoga solo allowed me to balance and align myself at my own pace before I moved on to the next asana.  It was such an enlightening thing!  I will definitely be adding the outdoors into my practice more often.

That's all for now...  