Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Grass IS Greener

In an effort to save money we recently unhired our lawn service and decided to take lawn care into our own hands.  Since our backyard is landscaped with a swimming pool and we have a circular driveway in front of the house, we really don't have much lawn for which to care.  We also didn't have a lawnmower.  I began looking on Craigslist for a used mower, but used mowers are dirty and oily and quite frankly, I didn't want to drive across the city to pick up something that was going to trash the back of my car getting it home.

I have also read that gas mowers emit the same amount of air pollution in a one hour mowing session that a car emits traveling 200 miles.  After a little more reading and comparison shopping we decided to opt for a reel mower.  I came across an ad for a "like new" Gardena Hi-Cut Reel Mower.  I was somewhat skeptical because Amazon had a reviewer complaining about it's functionality with St. Augustine grass (what we have), but the Craigslist ad showed the mower to be in perfect condition and the seller only wanted $45 for it so we decided to gamble on it; I'm so glad we did!  Not only is Brian enjoying cutting the yard himself, he also likes the added benefit of exercise he gets from using it.  I particularly like the fact that it is quiet and has a 0 carbon footprint.

For some interesting statistics on gardening pollution check out:  http://www.peoplepoweredmachines.com/faq-environment.htm

For some interesting statistics on gardening pollution check out:  http://www.peoplepoweredmachines.com/faq-environment.htm

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