Saturday, October 20, 2012


I have fallen shamefully behind in my blogging and in my intentions stated as the reason for starting my blog.  Quite simply, the start of fall and school (for all 3 of us!) has been overwhelming.  I feel guilty for not juicing as much as I should and eating junk food due to lack of time.  I paying the consequences as well.  My blood pressure skyrocketed and the doc put me on beta-blockers and anti-anxiety meds.  My normally sweet-natured and "fun kid" daughter has turned into a prepubescent snot.  I have not been to yoga in weeks.  And I feel like shit.

TOMORROW:  I return to juicing.  No more salty snacking and excess alcohol.  I also NEED to get my butt to the yoga least twice a week.  I would love to promise myself 3 or 4 times, but setting goals and failing is bad for the psyche.  Two times a week, I can honestly, realistically fanangle. Caroline is done with the play that took over her's and my life the first 6 weeks of school.  Her volleyball league had their fall tournament today.....No more practices across town from 5-7pm on Monday eve; no more Friday night games.  I am sooooo relieved that we will both inherit some of our time back that we've willingly sacrificed each week since August 28th.

I'm done.  I'm tired.  As much as I was ready for school to start I am already looking forward to next summer.  I watered what remains of my once thriving backyard and I feel like my calladiums  look:  spent; in need of hydration and relief from the heat.  I look wilted, feel wilted and need to strive to regain my energy....I need the nutrients of my green juice.  I know what I need and how to do I just need to do it.  And I will.  Tomorrow.  For sure.

Tonite, I need a glass of wine.

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